双極 I 型障害の抑うつに対する維持療法における抗うつ薬の補助的投与期間
Duration of Adjunctive Antidepressant Maintenance in Bipolar I Depression
L.N. Yatham and Others
Antidepressants are used to treat acute depression in patients with bipolar I disorder, but their effect as maintenance treatment after the remission of depression has not been well studied
背景;双極 I 型障害患者では,急性の抑うつの治療に抗うつ薬が用いられるが,抑うつ寛解後の維持療法としての効果は十分に研究されていない.
We conducted a multisite, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of maintenance of treatment with adjunctive escitalopram or bupropion XL as compared with discontinuation of antidepressant therapy in patients with bipolar I disorder who had recently had remission of a depressive episode. Patients were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to continue treatment with antidepressants for 52 weeks after remission or to switch to placebo at 8 weeks. The primary outcome, assessed in a time-to-event analysis, was any mood episode, as defined by scores on scales measuring symptoms of hypomania or mania, depression, suicidality, and mood-episode severity; additional treatment or hospitalization for mood symptoms; or attempted or completed suicide. Key secondary outcomes included the time to an episode of mania or hypomania or depression.
方法;抑うつエピソードが寛解してまもない双極 I 型障害患者を対象として,エスシタロプラムまたはブプロピオン XL(bupropion XL)を補助的に投与する維持療法を,抗うつ薬療法中止と比較する多施設共同二重盲検無作為化プラセボ対照試験を行った.患者を,寛解後 52 週間抗うつ薬の投与を継続する群と,8 週の時点でプラセボに切り替える群に 1:1 の割合で無作為に割り付けた.主要転帰はすべての気分エピソードとし,生存時間(time-to-event)解析で評価した.その定義は,症状評価尺度スコアに基づく軽躁,躁,抑うつ,自殺リスク,気分エピソードの重症度;気分症状に対する追加の治療または入院;自殺企図または自殺死亡とした.重要な副次的転帰は,躁/軽躁エピソードまでの期間,抑うつエピソードまでの期間などとした.
Of 209 patients with bipolar I disorder who participated in an open-label treatment phase, 150 who had remission of depression were enrolled in the double-blind phase in addition to 27 patients who were enrolled directly. A total of 90 patients were assigned to continue treatment with the prescribed antidepressant for 52 weeks (52-week group) and 87 were assigned to switch to placebo at 8 weeks (8-week group). The trial was stopped before full recruitment was reached owing to slow recruitment and funding limitations. At 52 weeks, 28 of the patients in the 52-week group (31%) and 40 in the 8-week group (46%) had a primary-outcome event. The hazard ratio for time to any mood episode in the 52-week group relative to the 8-week group was 0.68 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.43 to 1.10; P=0.12 by log-rank test). A total of 11 patients in the 52-week group (12%) as compared with 5 patients in the 8-week group (6%) had mania or hypomania (hazard ratio, 2.28; 95% CI, 0.86 to 6.08), and 15 patients (17%) as compared with 35 patients (40%) had recurrence of depression (hazard ratio, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.25 to 0.75). The incidence of adverse events was similar in the two groups.
結果:非盲検投与期に参加した双極 I 型障害患者 209 例のうち,抑うつが寛解した 150 例が,直接組み入れられた 27 例とともに二重盲検期に組み入れられた.90 例が処方された抗うつ薬の投与を 52 週間継続する群(52 週群)に割り付けられ,87 例が 8 週の時点でプラセボに切り替える群(8 週群)に割り付けられた.登録が進まなかったことと研究費の限界のため,試験は募集人数に達する前に中止された.52 週の時点で,主要転帰のイベントは 52 週群の 28 例(31%)と 8 週群の 40 例(46%)に生じていた.52 週群の,8 週群に対するすべての気分エピソードを発症するまでの期間のハザード比は,0.68(95%信頼区間 [CI] 0.43~1.10,log-rank 検定で P=0.12)であった.躁/軽躁エピソードは,52 週群では 11 例(12%)に発生したのに対し,8 週群では 5 例(6%)であり(ハザード比 2.28,95% CI 0.86~6.08),抑うつエピソードの再発は,52 週群では 15 例(17%)に認められたのに対し,8 週群では 35 例(40%)であった(ハザード比 0.43,95% CI 0.25~0.75).有害事象の発現率は 2 群で同程度であった.
In a trial involving patients with bipolar I disorder and a recently remitted depressive episode, adjunctive treatment with escitalopram or bupropion XL that continued for 52 weeks did not show a significant benefit as compared with treatment for 8 weeks in preventing relapse of any mood episode. The trial was stopped early owing to slow recruitment and funding limitations. (Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00958633. opens in new tab.)
結論:抑うつエピソードが寛解してまもない双極 I 型障害患者を対象とした試験において,エスシタロプラムまたはブプロピオン XL の補助的投与を 52 週間継続しても,8 週間投与した場合と比較して,すべての気分エピソードの再発予防における有意な利益は認められなかった.登録が進まなかったことと研究費の限界のため,試験は早期に中止された.(カナダ健康研究所から研究助成を受けた.ClinicalTrials.gov 登録番号 NCT00958633)エスシタロプラムはもっとも躁転しにくい抗うつ薬でもあります維持療法に優位な効果がないとの論文は私個人の薬剤調整では深い落ち込みを予防するためにSSRIも候補にいれておりますので意外性もありました。引き続き臨床で評価検証を継続したいと思います
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